Monday, February 15, 2010

Shit Happens

I lost my baggage.


THEY lost my baggage.

Was waiting in front of the carousel very patiently and at the end when everybody leaves, no sign of my luggage appeared. I knew this would happen, I had a really bad feeling about this before.

Went to the baggage claim counter and they tried to trace my bag, and no sign or report that they have found mine yet, and not even a single record of my bag appeared at which airport!

I am really moodless right now.scared.worried.

What if I would never get my baggage back?It has all my clothes my souvenirs and presents inside!It is like taking away everything I have gain in Europe!

Let's pray that this wouldn't happen. By the time I wake up tommorow there will be people calling me saying they have found my luggage and they are delivering it now.

I would be a vegetarian for a week if I get my luggage back.
Can you hear me? Tih kong, guan yin ma and all the gods.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Bye bye Deustchland

In 15 Stunden, bin ich wieder nach Hause zu fliegen.
In 15 hours, I am flying back to home

Ich werde Deutschland vermissen.
I will miss Germany.

I will miss Erlangen.

It was the hardest day of my life in Germany.
Today I went person to person in my lab, my friends, my classmates, my teachers, my floor mates to say Goodbye.
I don't know what to say except thank you for making my life in Germany awesome and giving me so many precious memories.
I said, the Germany stay was way more fantastic than I have imagined.

I still remember before I came I had all these bad expectations, what if Germans are really rude and bad? What if my life here is so miserable that I had such a terrible homesick? What if the people I meet here sucks? What if the food sucks? What if Germany sucks?

And today, after 5 months and a week living in Germany, I shall say out loud I am definitely dumb and naive to have all those imaginations about Germany as none of them are valid.
Germans are the best people I have met, and Germany is really awesome.
And all the people I have met are really amazing.

Words couldn't express how much I love you guys and how much I appreciate everything that all of you had done for me. I am sure we will meet each other again in the future.

And today I learnt, the hardest thing to say isn't I Love you or Sorry



Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hectic last days!

Look at my to-do-list, I have like 9000 things to do suddenly in this week as it is the last days of my stay in Germany. 3 more days! 3 more days and I am gonna leave this place with freezing weather and snow, and people with language that I don't quite know, and the town that goes dead on Sundays, and the place that has awesome shopping sales. Everything, everything here is gonna be a past tense to me soon :(

Being really busy, seriously very very busy.

Gotta meet up with the professors ,like 5 parties ahead in 3 nights, gotta go deal with the hostel, bank insurance etc etc..

Packing is in the progress but it is bringing a lot of trouble to me!Like dont know what to pack, don't know what to send, the vacumn bag is not working and I have to spent three hours to re-vacumn it again and again, a lot of stuffs that I still need to use, how to pack?!!!!

It's my 1st time to leave a place for good and I have only been here for 5 months and I have this much headache packing, what's gonna happen when I am leaving Aussie?

Oh I don't wanna think.

I had 血光之灾 today. It was disastrous. I cut myself while I was trying to open a can of corn with some foldable knife because the can opener wasnt working. And holy crap once strong hit the knife folded back and cut right into my finger. It was pretty deep as I could see my own flesh, disgusting. I don't have and don't wana put any medicine so I hope it would get well pretty soon because it is giving me even MORE trouble now that I had enough.

I can't wait to go back to my simple life.

As simple as having sushis, miso soup and green tea.

3 more days Malaysia.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

1 more weeeeek!!!!!

I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait!!!

to step foot on my tanah air again!


Packing is in progress now, sending a 20kg box back to Australia first =P To hide all my unnecessaries from being seen. My mood has been swinging high high up recently! Thinking of the FOOD, the WEATHER, the PEOPLE!!!


As it would be the last week in Europe for me after 5 months,
it would be a really busy PARTAYYY WEEK!
To bid farewell to all the awesomes here :(
(but the going home excitement has covered all the sadness of leaving)

Missing all the special moments back home!

FOOD is the most important thing I am looking forward to!
and coconut!



My private and beloved chaffeur, muacks!

Back to FOOD again! JU's mummy's tomyum bee hoon! Chicken wings!

Popcorns and cinemas!

And of course my beloved sweetie pie S. Oh so-can't-wait-to-gossip mode is now on!Slumber party again pleaseeeeee!

Heeeee, forgive my over-excitement because going HOME is the best and happiest thing that could happen to me right now!

7 days ^^

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Well, way before Cheewei and Penghong landed in Germany, we had planned to meet up with each other. I always thought that I would just say and never do it but who knows! I did it!!

While they were in Singen for their orientation, I have decided to take a 5 hours train all the way from erlangen to visit them :)

Now cw and ph, you know you guys worth 5 hours of train to me. hiak hiak hiak.

I am pretty sick today, got fever and cold and my sore throat is getting worse and worse by day, probably from the trip to Singen till now! Blame it on you guys! But undoubtedly i really had great fun there! GREAT GREAT FUN! Only uploaded a few photos here because I havent uploaded the photos to fb yet :P

Went for a ferry ride from Konstantz to Meersburg. Well with a group of JPA scholars, and cw said it was for me to experience the feeling of JPA scholar, LOL. Anyway they are way friendly than I have expected :P

Such a weird feeling to be there together when we remembered we used to just be in the same class together everyday 4 years back. How fast time flies but the memories never die.

Went to Zurich, Switzerland together with them and Fuee. He is a very unusual guy, you know, he has his own way of thinking, 看破红尘 adii...Zurich was awesome!

Back in the youth hostel with them! we had so much fun chatting and drinking and forcing people to do silly things!I like this picture,because it captures our true moments of happiness, these are the smiles we used to have, when we were together at the carefree school days.

Actually I have so much more photos and memories that should be kept in here. Thanks a lot to cheewei and bob for the best hospitality ever when I was there,for all the room services and being princessly treated, I would say Taiping people are the best!! Agree??

经过这么多年,这么多事,最庆幸的是, 很多友谊没有改变。很多友情早已在那些年少疯狂的岁月慢慢一点一点滴建立起来,然后有一天,你会发现,不管在什么时候,什么地方,一直都在。