Saturday, February 13, 2010

Bye bye Deustchland

In 15 Stunden, bin ich wieder nach Hause zu fliegen.
In 15 hours, I am flying back to home

Ich werde Deutschland vermissen.
I will miss Germany.

I will miss Erlangen.

It was the hardest day of my life in Germany.
Today I went person to person in my lab, my friends, my classmates, my teachers, my floor mates to say Goodbye.
I don't know what to say except thank you for making my life in Germany awesome and giving me so many precious memories.
I said, the Germany stay was way more fantastic than I have imagined.

I still remember before I came I had all these bad expectations, what if Germans are really rude and bad? What if my life here is so miserable that I had such a terrible homesick? What if the people I meet here sucks? What if the food sucks? What if Germany sucks?

And today, after 5 months and a week living in Germany, I shall say out loud I am definitely dumb and naive to have all those imaginations about Germany as none of them are valid.
Germans are the best people I have met, and Germany is really awesome.
And all the people I have met are really amazing.

Words couldn't express how much I love you guys and how much I appreciate everything that all of you had done for me. I am sure we will meet each other again in the future.

And today I learnt, the hardest thing to say isn't I Love you or Sorry



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