Relaxed for a bit and went out really late the last day because the weather wasn't good. Rainy and cloudy early morning :( Well we had only a few places to go, thus we took our own sweet time.
First stop, Schloss Belvedere.
Schloss means castle in German. And this guy named Belvedere (I suppose) is a French guy and I forget why he suddenly got a huge amount of money so he built his castle. In the castle there are a lot of arts and paintings including the famous painting by Gustav Klimt - Der Kuss (The Kiss)
We went in and looked around, there were heaps of paintings. There were several paintings by Klimt and this is the most famous one.
, during his ‘golden period’, and is probably his most famous work. It depicts a couple, in various shades of gold and symbols, sharing a
against a bronze background. (by Wikipedia)

Every castle has their own garden. The Garden in this one is simple yet grand.

Arts of the stones and little plants.

And fountains are a must.

This point of view makes the castle looks the best :)

Was a little bit bored and took this pic.

It was pretty windy at that moment and I was telling Heidi that Sumo will fall into the water. And straight after she snapped the pic, the wind blew strongly and both of us screamed when Sumo fell. All the people around were staring at us! Luckily there is a slope before the water and Sumo lay safely there. Both of us were quite stunned.

Camwhore in the ladies.
Left the Schloss after a round seeing endless paintings and were lucky to leave that place :P
We hopped on to the Strassebahn(the tram) and got off at random stops that we liked. That was a real experience of freedom and the excitment of the unknown.

Hopped off at a stop and walked to this fountain, probably some war memorial fountain.

And walked randomly into the Burgsgarten and saw Mozart's statue.

We went to the Donau Canal expecting awesome night scene and nice riverside restaurants, and who knows it turned out to be ....

Something very industrial, or I would say NOTHING. Maybe we got to the wrong side but Heidi told me this is the spot where the tour took her last time. Well maybe I expect too much of it.

It was really creepy as there is not much people and it was getting dark, only the two of us strolling between the buildings and bridges. Well, it's adventure then :)
Well feeling dissapointed we went to Prata, where there lies the oldest Ferris Wheels of Austria, The Wiener Riesenrad.

The Wiener Riesenrad with 15 carriages.

It is another big fun fare.We didn't do much, stroll around and got home.
The last day in Wien.
(Wien is Vienna in German)

Went to look for a post office early in the morning to post a post card back to mum and dad. Well the postcard and postage were really expensive in Vienna. I spent 2 Euros to post it, so sorry la friends, can't post to you guys :P
That day was probably the worst day of all as it was really cold and the rain hadn't stop.

Went to the Hundertwasserhaus, probably the most famous building in Vienna. I watched it in a documentary before.
Hundertwasser House Vienna (
Hundertwasserhaus Wien) is an
apartment house in
Austria, designed by Austrian artist
Friedensreich Hundertwasser.
The house was built between 1983 and 1986 by architects Univ.-Prof. Joseph Krawina and Peter Pelikan. It features undulating floors (
"an uneven floor is a divine melody to the feet"[1]), a roof covered with earth and grass, and large trees growing from inside the rooms, with limbs extending from windows. Hundertwasser took no payment for the design of the house, declaring that it was worth it, to prevent something ugly from going up in its place.
(from Wikipedia)

I like the assymetrical feel.

Set the camera into the wrong mode, snapping bad quality photos :(

The croocked stairs. Probably because of my weight :P

This is where they imitate the inside of the Hundertwasserhaus as the real one has residences in it so we couldn't visit.

We were pretty much affected by the weather and felt really moodless so we went home early as we promised Marcus to cook him Asian dinner. Yeah, he is the chef, and since we cook for the chef we are Superchefs!
This basically ends my Vienna trip. I was there for 6 days but the first and last day we didn't do much. And we left at 6 in the morning on the last day and we nearly missed the flight. Thanks to the very not frequent S-bahn. So a piece of advice for Vienna potential travellers, check the timetable to the airport, they don't have it very frequently. And in the end we had to take the City Airport Train which costs 10 Euros per way. AND the tickets machine only accept 5 euros or 10 euros notes! and I only had a 20 euros note and I end up rushing to the cafe opposite the change the notes!!!
Anyway Vienna is a very very beautiful city, lotsa historical spots to explore and they were basically very near to each other in the centre of the city. I am really happy to meet a lot of new friends through the journey :) And as we stayed with Marcus, and we spent very little on food, some paid by Marcus, or we just eat some cheapskate food, we spent around 250 euros, including the flight tickets for the whole trip, which I think is pretty little :)
Good, where's next?
probably a place with friends that can provide free accomodation :P