After we got all out equipments, paintball guns and paintballs, we started to reload.i reloaded 200 paintballs into my gun and left the 100 paintballs pack into the bucket with MY NAME ON IT.My bro has told me that there will be paintball missing in the middle of the event because everybody got so excited and will just take some and reload so make sure we write our name on it. AND I WROTE and told others to do so but somebody say NO NEED, because everybody will know they have 1 more pack left..O-K!!
we went into the field,should be jungle though, that has almost 10 terrains to play.walked towards our 1st terrain, but in the middle of the road i am shot by a paintball that flied out from nowhere because we were walking pass all the dead zones of other terrains where people were firing.ITS PAINFUL..and we started our 1st game..fuiyoh..i didn't know that the group distribution is random by the mask, and i felt so sad because i am seperated from my CE members and part with those that i do not intend to part at 1st...WELL, no choice, you can't change the mask in the middle of the field..so the game went on and we kept loosing..everybody dare not run out and stuff...so the opposite team, CE and Koolobong people won all the way..i got shot most of the time..haha...its painful but once you got used to it its ok~and the pain inspire you to shoot!
after the 3rd terrain, we are so happy!cause we finally won..this time i am not afraid at all and ran all the way downwards and keep shooting so i finally ran out of bullets..when i wanted to reload,that shit thing happen..THE BULLETS ARE GONE!!and many of us didn't even reloaded once!THIS REALLY PISSED ME OFF!!!THOSE USELESS PEOPLE FELT NOTHING AT ALL BECAUSE THEY TOOK OUR BULLETS!!i know they might not intend to take our bullets or might inaccidentally took it,or just take it on purpose,whatever,but i knew this would happen from the start and i already told them to take the precaution step and they said no need!damm frustrated!!!!!i still got a few bullets that left and played the Mexican Shooting game where both team stand facing each other in a line and everybody can shoot once,those being shot are then eliminated.Such a big challenge,standing there and let people shoot...of course,i amd being shot then..and i shot nobody with my lousy skills..
went to lunch after that...all of us from CE shared to buy bullets to continue playing..many of our team members just quit the game because they are out of bullets and we changed team mates..i finally got to join my CE friends in a team which makes things so much better!!!!we enjoyed the 2nd half of the game so much!!!
1 of the terrain was There will be a GENERAL wearing a green vest and the opposite team has to shoot the general's knee-to-foot part to win,and the general has to run across from 1 side to another to win.the 1st round blue team managed to win, and the BLUE GENERAL APPOINTED ME TO BE THE GENERAL!!!hahaa....ok..just aim at me and shoot and i will be running like hell to go to the next end..it is very exciting though...when i was covering myself over the bush,the opposing team found me and started shooting at me..bullets swooped pass me and finally Steven shot 1 bullet right on my KNEE..so lucky!!and i am dead..hahaha....
got to the last terrain in the fort...after that we still have bullets left and we played the free-for-all game where you just shoot anybody untill your bullets ran out..that was the most exciting part because most of the people ran out of bullets already and left some CE friends and Koolobong friends..It's more fun to play with friends and we shoot at each other like crazy!hahaa...Sergiel was crazy, he stood in the middle without any cover and shoot, and of course so many guns aiming at him shooting...he finally ran in and showed me all his paint and his fingers were swelling...i gave him and Max some of my bullets to play and they used them to shoot back at me..hahaha..so ungrateful..because we were the only ones that left...haha..the game was so fun!
Finished around 12.30pm...Overall the game was fun!!and i wanted to play again with them!!!

My Wound~
Went to Baldhill look out after that...Ryo is trying to attract someone..