Went to Easter Show on 24.3.08...took the train from Fairy Meadow Station,reach central around 1pm and transit to Sydney Olympic Park...Its the first time I go to Easter show since I am here because I went back to Malaysia last year...very excited!!!
From left behind: Haru, Ivan
Shin, Sarah, Max, Mana
(Stephanie holding the camera)
We went to eat lunch there..I had a fish and chips..and its really just FISH and CHIPS..nothing else..haha...and we walked around,went to the theme park..there are so many stalls and games..just like the fun fair in Malaysia..but its much more larger...Steph and I wanted the Bart Simpsons so badly,so we tried to look for the stalls that can win Bart...but...hahah..v end up paying a lot and win nothing~ok...hahaha...
I got my showbag..costs me $18.50
Before going back posing at the exit
The contents of my Elmo showbag
We took the 10++ train and reach Campus East around 1++..and the worst thing is I wanted to go to the toilet but the toilet on the train is out of order...so i have to tahan all the way back...i got my lesson..haha~its a wonderful trip!
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