Yes, after all those emo posts, finally I am back
all good and happy again.
Thanks for everyone's concern and I am currently in a good state.
I am happy with my life now, life busy with assignments and work, life full of laughters with my babes, life full of fun with all the going out. Yes I guess I should keep moving on this track :D and not thinking about the past anymore. I knew I can do it.
I am lucky to live with all my lovely babes in this lovely unit, where u can go all emo and cranky and show your ugly true self and you are still loved. I will just let the pictures tell the stories of what I have been doing.
Fairy Meadow Beach :D
Sharon's birthday <3
The real us at home :D
Trying to tie a knot with my tongue to see if I am a good kisser. Experiment failed. I am bad at kissing LOL.
The first night of the break, heaps of people went out, and the queue was crazy. Guess the whole Wollongong is there in the line.
We went to Glassy then. Aya-chan <3
dance floor babes.
The single and availables in our unit. The taken is always not with us.hah.
Being Koreans again.
What is so difficult about girls is,even after they club and went home they still need to camwhore for another hour.
Who cares, we think we are pretty. hah.
I love you sweetie. very very much.
Ending the post with my super big head :)