If you are trying to pronounce my title like what I did when I first saw the word, let me tell you the pronounciation is something like "Laf-beraf". The tip is to say it really fast and pretend like you have an accent. And now if you wonder what that is, that is the first place I stayed in UK for my christmas-newyear break.
As I have said in my previous post, I spent my xmas night sleeping on a really cold bench in front of The Body Shop at Munich Airport. (Mum thought that was crazy and dangerous cause she thinks I might get raped or kidnapped) I had a sleepless night as the bench was really cold and it was weird sleeping in the middle of the hallway with cool pilots, air stewardess or random people walking pass me. So at the end I had such a bad day because I had zero sleep and had a yucky McD for breakky(Imagine sweet pancake with salty chicken)
Got to UK with Aer Lingus and arrived at London Gatwick airport on Boxing Day. It was a little bit crowded and we were a little big clumsy with our 20kg 30inches luggage and a hand luggage each with backpack and handbags. Yes, it's a vacation. Not fleeing.

London welcomed us with a little bit of drizzling. And we were kinda pissed off by those bus drivers because we were waiting so long for the bus to the city and time was ticking off because it was Boxing Day, we needed to get our ass to the sales!
When we arrived at Victoria Coach Station and stored our luggage, we tried to get on the bus straight to Oxford St. and got pissed off again by the "only accept coins and no change is given" ticket machines. Damm, we were only tourist, how would you expect us to bring a full sack of coins dangling around our waist and there weren't any coins changing machines in vicinity. But the urge to shop is so strong, especially seeing people carrying like 5 bags of Burberry (I even went up to them and asked where is the store), Heidi and I decided to queue for Burger King and get some change.
So we were on the bus and we only have 1 hour to shop as we need to go to Loughborough after that, we passed by a Burberry store and pressed the bell. We just got off somewhere and it seems like it is a shopping area cause it was so crowded and everyone was carrying LV Gucci Burberry's paper bags.
And at the end we just managed to queue into a few stores but sadly all the stores were too high end for us :P There is no reason where we should spend all our money before our journey even started. So we just watched and drooled and watched and drooled.
Well the whole shopping trip was only 40 minutes when we rushed back to the station and caught the other coach straight to Loughborough. So from the starting of my journey I spent most of the time on a plane, a train or a bus.
The stay at Loughborough was awesome, we had a good rest there after the hectic start of our journey. I met this high school friend of Heidi - Anna, and she was the craziest person I have every met, and her craziness is silence. LOL, and then I met this friend of Anna - Michael because he came to pick us up from the bus stop.
The whole stay was pleasant because we went to all the places with a car :P That was a very luxurious trip, reminds me of my stay in Adelaide with pinnie.
Went to Leicester the next day, when Michael offered to drive us there.

Michael & I

Great new friends

Headed for Dimsum, OMG.
I haven't seen this in like 5 months and I was truly excited and ate like a cow.

Michael's housemate, Donald, the AB. We wore like the same style on the 1st time we met, *blush*

Fun people :)

And crazy shopping mates. All those bags deifinitely adds up to 400 pounds. We shopped till the last minute and kept grabbing stuffs inside ALDO, the feeling was so great!And the security has to walk us out of the mall because it was closed.

Back to Anna's crib with her G10.She was really nice she offered us to cook dinner at her place so that we could save our travel funds.
Nottingham the next day.Chit chatted with Heidi until really late so we woke up really late and got to Nottingham, around 3pm ><" That's us, the Bs.

They have a teddy xmas tree!

And heaps of teddies deco.

Spot my new bag from ALDO :P

The German xmas market in UK.

Went for a buffet hot pot and Heidi and I ate like a cow, no, COWS, again. I was so concentrated in eating that I didn't even bother to look when she was snapping the pic. You can tell how hungry I am. (That was dinner, and our 1st meal for the day ><)

Tried on our my new heels from ALDO :) Yeppie!

OUR NEW HEELS. Insisted to go clubbing that night as we wanted to wear our heels. And also it was the last night lar...

Had no clubbing clothes so Anna lended me her "must succeed clubbing top" LOL. Small club in Loughborough that serves Vodka lime that tasted like limonade in a plastic cup.

Hot girls hunting. gosh my collar bones.

Went home and had kebap take away, those guys going crazy after alcohols.

Opps and spot my new earings from ALDO. LOL.

Michael's housemate as well. Xic.

Groupie pic :)

I heart this pic.
The day when we have to leave, Michael brought us to this restaurant that serves good but cheap steaks!

And with nice ambience.

At the train station.

Thanks for being our royal driver, and tolerate the chaos in the car.

Train back to London.
So that concludes my awesome 3nights stay in Loughborough, visiting the biggest university (the main campus),meeting new people, eating lotsa asian food, living like a local,the finger incident :P Everything is awesome and thanks to Anna, Stephanie, Michael, Donald and Xic for the hospitality :D Hopefullt we would meet again someday!