Sunday, July 12, 2009

Officially 7 days after landing

A little glimpse of Jay Chou Sydney

Home is the best!I landed in Taiping for a week, no fever, no flu symptoms!
I am not infected okay, stop hiding!
Come out people!

Well I basically did nothing at home.
Watch a little bit of TV,
walking here and there,
I even stay at home most of the time.

But I am still lazy to blog, why?
because i am using the desktop at home and all my pics are in my lappy.
haha, PLUS i didnt plug in the mouse for my lappy.

Ok la ok la..I am actually REALLY LAZY lar...

I will try to update everything this week..
I need a record of all my happenings!!

Taiping has been really rainy this few days.
Nice weather, cool enough and I like it!

Finally after all the "I wanted to do for so long" sayings
I went to do manicure and pedicure this afternoon with mummy.
They actually have course and I really wanted to learn.
But cant do it for my right hand myself, not worth it.

This is just a short random update,
I have to start uploading pics soon =)

I miss my aussie mates and I love to be home!

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