This, is HOME.
Well a few weeks back I actually followed the bf around, well not really that much cause he spent lotsa time with his friends too. Nothing's really happening here, friends hardly here, no activities or gossips to share. However I have got myself to start reading my Harry Potter series again. Its still addictive. I just spend most of my time reading books after books and I am currently halfway through the 3rd one. Reading non-stop seems fine to mum as she doesn't complaint at all as I lay lazily on the sofa and read. She used to nag a lot when I spent whole day warching drama or shows. *wink* Books can be more interesting than drama sometimes.
Baby's fav activity was playing snooker when he was here. As I tagged along and wanted to challenge him, I gave up halfway when I tried hitting the same ball 5 or 6 times but still couldn't manage to hit it in (and I finally pushed it in with my hand), I started camwhoring. Yea that's what I should have done earlier.

With the long-time-no-see Highschool pose.
Yea, guess that's a little bit of what I have been doing back home. Preps to germany havent been smooth so far, still need to get my air ticket and my visa done. Well the bloody stupid visa. They require soooo many things as though I am going to apply for PR over there. Blardy hell. And daddy has to go to KL all the way with me just to prove that he is sponsoring me. Their photo requirements are bloody stupid as they even limit you the area your eyes and nose should be in the picture. Hopefully everything's gonna get done real soon. Then I can start to pack for Deustchland. Perhaps getting a new luggage before that. And yea thanks for all my dearies for the pressies to bring to germany.
Just recovered from a crash dump. I have been having endless crash dump nowadays, I should reformat my lappy instantly.
Till then,