BUSY day, 8.30am - 8.30pm, rushed back for the meet & greet event that I am in charged of till 9.30pm. That all about my life, study-assignments-dramas-work-work-and work!
I have a few assignments due next week, midsessions coming up and stuff.
I can't believe that I am here long enough to expect midsession.
One year is gonna pass by so soon.
So I allowed myself to get into party mode before I get too busy, of course with my assignments due-ing complete.
So that's what I planned for this weekend:
Friday night : Green party by Rotary club @ beach bar (something to do with saving the earth I guess?)
Saturday night : UOW Taiwanese Soc party @ Castro's (I know I am a Msian, but I like to go ah, CHOI AH)
Sunday night : propably a birthday party for my dearest kai-chan. (opps, and gotta get her a bday present before that)
Yeah, that's basically what I am looking forward to!
I attempted high waist shorts today.
I bought that shorts like months ago before I went back, and it has been lying in my closet hibernating, cause I don't have the courage to wear it. And finally today I am wearing it!
haha...I felt so weird wearing it. It's so aussie style. But well I got compliments from a local friend, hahaha. She came from my behind and wonder if that was me, and she goes "I like your outfit!high waist shorts! trendy + bla bla bla" I don't remember.
Then bby saw me and he said "Oh u wear high waist shorts!" "Its weird isn't it?" "No no it's nice, u looked like a local." Sincere or not, I don't care,hahaha. As long as they are good words.
Then S babe told me on msn "you looked pretty today". haha... I trust her compliment, she is always very expert at matching and wearing the right stuffs. *wink*
I know what's in your mind. Narcissist jo, telling the whole world the compliments.
At least one day I can remember people complimented on my high waist shorts.hahahaha.
*you will find out why I am acting like this*. scroll down.
S babe tagged me in a note in fb, its so accurate. Like they tell your personality from your chinese name.
*耳根子軟,容易聽信他人的話,隨風搖擺 (yes yes yes!)
*自以為是對的時,就不容許他人推翻自己的論點 (hmm...true)
*有時對自己很有信心到一種自戀的程度 (OMG, you know me well)
*本身有很多規矩,但~是叫他人遵從,自己則可以隨時改變原則 (lols, seems like there is nth good about me)
*有時很恰北北,有時又很溫柔 (wakakaka)
*個性倔強,且自我意識非常強烈 (should be)
*自信心強、個性不服輸,是個獨立自主的女孩子 (definitely)
*以自我為中心,不容易採信別人的想法或建議 (how come it contradicts with the first one above?)
*想法前衛有新意,喜歡追隨流行 (woots!)
*疑心病比較重,嫁人後喜歡碎碎唸 (now nobody is gonna marry me!)
I think they are pretty true, nothing good though, haha.
But I don't care posting it up.haha.
You gonna still like me even if you see this, right? LOL.LOL.LOL.
"Over self-confidence" and stuffs, haha.
but I am not sure if I start to become grumpy after married.
HOW? nobody is gonna marry me then. =(
haha..who cares.
anyway its pretty interesting, so check it out if you have time.
美好的一天 精彩的一天 想你的一天
6 years ago
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