Friday, August 22, 2008

Follow up for the weird news

Got to know some news of this weird guy from a HK mag.

Lets call him Mr.X.

Mr.X seems to forget about his pain when he was seen buying AV after the "having sex with a steel bench" incident. Some paparazzi tailed him and discovered that he loves to shop in AV shops in HK. They even found out what he bought!
They said Mr.X has special taste for AV, he seemed to be not interested in normal AV, and all those AV that he picked were SM AVs. They even mentioned that he finally bought 3 AVs (even mentioned the names) for HKD93 after choosing here and there!
(applause to HK paparazzies)

Mr.X was seen in an AV shop.

He had became so famous that everyone started to give him some "nice" nicknames

Mr X. finally confessed the truth about that incident during an interview with the reporters. He said "Sigh.Don't take me as a pervert. Actually I was brought to the park by 3 Ah Longs (貴 利 佬), they force me to pay back my debts, and fed me a few viagra, that's why ... "

Blood stains were seen on his shirt when he left the hospital

The poor steel bench which was being raped by Mr X was certified to have 1 inch diameter holes on it, which is almost the same size as a 1 HKdollar coin. The government said they might consider to sue Mr X under the inappropriate use of public ammenities which causes loss rule.
They said this steel bench was being imported from US and each of them costs HKD14800+ (RM 7000+). Mr X was really worried when the reporters mention about this as he still has tonnes of debt to pay off.

Haha, this is some translation from the article in the magazine ...

This Mr X is really crazy. I think i should seriously beware of the public benches with holes nextime, who knows whether it is still a virgin or not? LOL


WPin said...

well well....
Weird news....Hong Kong seem getting such weird news so oftenly now...
World getting weird...Due to pressure? hmn...

♥Jo Ann♥ said...

haha...there is so much strange things happening around..
maybe someday i will see u in da news pinnie!haha