I was about to update the Adelaide trip,
but uploading the photos took me soooo long...
So I decided to put it aside first, as I upload the photos day by day.

Some random stuffs I came across this week.

It has been raining since Monday.
The ME who were supposed to be studying,
made this teruterubozu,
or "sunny doll" in chinese.
my Masterpiece
one night while I was trying to wind up my window,

I screamed and all my unit mates came to rescue, haha...
No we are actually quite excited, taking pictures and stuff...lol.
Then baby tried to poked it with a toothpick and it MOVED!
It is as huge as my palm, with thick hairy body,
Chirstine came to rescue with a bottle of pesticide spray,
and I sprayed on it like 1 minute...
and I coiled up, but still clinging..
After all the hard times, all I wanted is a cup of hot honey lemon,some music, Twilight which kept me so addicted,and a good night's sleep.Eye masks from Yuko n Steph when they go shopping in Sydney,how sweeet!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I got myself into so highschool style today.
Its actually my first time trying this style.
hmm, I can't say it really looked good or suitable for me,
cause I am really worried if I might accidentally looked like the chinese?
Anyway I made use of the clothes and bags that I hardly wear.
Which I feel good, at least not wasting money buying and not wearing.

The cap from my bro - 1st time wearing
Hoodie - wore it a few times
Addidas sling bag - hardly using it
Skirt - 2nd time wearing after a year
Stockings - 1st time wearing after a year

Went shopping with dear S.
She is my best mates to go shopping with.
We give each other SINCERE comments
and we bought lotsa stuffs together today!!!!
I am so haaaapppiiieeee!

We bought this whole box of greeny stuffs,
Its a cush massager!!!
when you press it it will vibrate,
Ideal for the backache us.
I bought 3 because I gave 2 to steph n yuko.

My new pair of heels!!!
Its called cupid arrows by poetic licence london.
Original price AUD170
I bought it, AUD 60!!!
haha.I love them soooo much!!
I actually
saja tried it on when S babe is trying her boots,
then S babe was like ITS NICE!!!!
so I bought it.hahaha..
I trust her.
she bought a pair of very nice boots too,
I recommended to her 1 loh!!!
Same brand discounted items too!
The quality sooo good!
Very excited having bought cheap and nice stuffs!
Results of being a

New PJ from Short stories, discounted too! hahaha..
I m very good at finding
good deals, remember?
New bath robe,S babe has baby blue one too, cause purchase with purchase it's half price!
good deal again.

= and me and shin is still shopping online now =